
Oct 10, 2008

This guy was a bakasyonista from Quezon City.  He was a hip hop guy.  He wears baggy pants and knows how to rap.  It was summer time when he visited my city.  He dropped by at our hang out place one time with some friends and they introduced us.  I'm friendly so I talk to him and we had a civil conversation.  After that, he would then walk up to me and talk whenever we see each other.  The next thing I know, he was flirting with this "bad reputation girl" and after two days, they are already steady.  How cheap!  But there relationship last only for days.  Before he went back to Quezon City, he left me his address and phone number and ask me to write him.  And so I did.  On one of his letters, he included a photo of him with a dedication at the back.  I think it says something like "I miss you" and "take care".  I also called him twice just to say hi and talk about stuffs.  I was using a payphone at school because I can't make a long distance call at our house.  I think I was 13 years old then.  So many things happened to me during that stage in my life.  Anyways, let's get back to J.S.  I stop calling and stop writing.  I mean, what's the point?  He is not my boyfriend and I'm sure he understands.  No prepaid cellphones then so we cannot text each other.  I just moved on with my life.  Actually, I was just writing to him because I don't want him to be upset with me.  But I get tired of playing the good girl and decided to end our communication.

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