
Oct 4, 2008

Another "J" in my life.  He is not my boyfriend and never was.  But people think otherwise because we were always together.  The truth is, he was my best guy buddy.  We always hang out every weekends because we love each other's company.  He is good looking, long hair, and he is shorter than me.  Our relationship was platonic.  There are times that the girls he is courting will get jealous of me because we were always together.  I tried to avoid him but we will end up with each other's company at the end of the day.  What can I do?  We hang out with the same crowd.  Someone told me that other guys who are interested in me will back off because of seeing me and "J".  They think we were really an item.  But there was one time that he acted crazy.  He called me up because he was upset.  He had just broken up with his girlfriend.  After how many minutes of talking, he started saying things like "i love you" and "can I court you?".  But I did not take him seriously.  I know he was only bluffing.

What I like about him is that even though he is popular with the girls and the gays, he is loyal to his girlfriend.  But most of his relationship failed.  I don't know why.  I was 13 then and do not have much idea about that thing.  As time goes by and I started to meet new friends, we no longer hang out with the same crowd.  But I know that our friendship will forever be treasured.

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