
Sep 15, 2008

This boy was my childhood neighbor.  I think I was still 5 or 6 years old when I noticed how cute he is.  Actually, he was my first crush.  He was dark and has chinky eyes.  When I was a little girl, I was really not pretty and people don't notice me.  But there are still some boys who will appreciate my beauty.  But S.J. was not one of them.  He likes my friend more.  No matter how many times I will intentionally passed by their house so that he would look at me, I was still like a wind to him:  invisible.  That did not help my self esteem.  I always feel I am ugly because the only boy I like doesn't even know I exist!  But when we were 8 years old, they transferred and I never heard from him since then.  I don't even know what he looks like now.  I even forgot what S.J. means!!!  If he sees me now, he will really regret the day he ignore me.

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