
Sep 21, 2008

Let's call him ROLLERBOY.  He's from Manila and so tisoy.  He is small but his sex appeal is so huge.  Every girl who sees him falls in love with him and that includes me.  He was like my ultimate crush and dream boy.  We hang out with the same group but we don't have the chance to hang out with each other.  Then I would get so kilig everytime I see him  around.  There was one time that we ride in one car but he was with a date so I was invisible to him.  I can't remember how I got his photo but I was able to have one and I always carry it in my wallet.  I don't know where he is right now or how he is doing.  All I know is that he likes flirty girls.  Most of his girlfriends were known FLIRTS!  Maybe he didn't notice me before because I was still young and not that sophisticated unlike the girls he dated.  I was just like "one of the boys" and the baby of the group.  I was 12 years old at that time.

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