
Oct 23, 2008

I met this guy when I was 13 or 14 years old.  We have this new neighbor next door and N.R. always visits them because they were good family friends.  One day, we were finally introduced to each other.  He was 3 years older than me as I remember.  One time, we had this chance to talk alone just infront of our house.  It was just a casual conversation.  About school, family, and life in general.  That was the first and last one on one conversation I had with him because a few months later, we transferred to another place.  Years have passed and I don't know what happened to him.  Then one Saturday night, I was watching this concert in a popular local bar.  I decided to go outside and meet some friends.  He happened to be there also and he saw me passed by.  He shouted my name to the point wherein I was startled.  I just looked around and wave.  He was with a girl and some friends.  A few months later, I was able to track him on friendster and add him up.  We exchanged numbers and continue our communication.  When we finally meet again, he confessed that he tried to locate me when we transferred house.  I told him that he should have asked his younger sister because we were going to the same college.  Anyways, what I find really sweet was when he told me that everything would have been different if he was able to locate me.  He would really court me and maybe we will end up together.  I told him that maybe he was not exerting too much effort in finding me that is why he never found me.  I am already married and I can sense that he was dissapointed upon hearing it.  But I was kinda unhappy with my marriage that time because of the long distance factor.  I know that he was hoping I will leave my hubby.  He even suggested that he knows a good lawyer for annulment and can process it in less than 6 months.  But I only entertained him as a friend.  I was lonely and I just need someone to talk to.  Nothing more, nothing less.  A few months later, he got married and got separated 6 months after.  I am trying to avoid him now.  I am happy and I know that he is also happy for me.

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